Its crazy isn't it. We have vilified Trump because of we consider him dangerous, a buffoon and someone that everyone has an opinion on. Yet we are no better, we have a government in power that no longer trust facts, and one that is hellbent on staring Global Warming down, until they are under at least 3 metres of water.
This week they started off discussing the possibility of a Carbon Trading Scheme (variation of), well that was Monday, but by Tuesday it was dead and buried, because a couple of coalition back benchers had a few words to say. So that option to allow carbon trading is off the option list , even though the "Power industry likes it. Business groups want it. Government agencies think it is a good idea. Environmental groups can stomach it. Labor backed it before the last election. And the government is sitting on advice that it would keep costs significantly lower than they otherwise would be" SMH Tuesday 7th Dec.
We know that its not the only solution, its one of many that we will have to take on if we are to reduce Human Produced Carbon to levels that don't over heat the planet and turn it into a desert before our very eyes. We are a strange beastie, we wouldn't defecate in our own bed and then sleep in it, but we are quite happy to ruin the only rock in space where we happen to live and I have yet to see a viable alternative planet spin by and say move here just yet.
Who elected these fools, to office. Their only desire now seems to avoid the Trump effect and pander the looney toons who see climate warming as a natural effect, and believe science is the work of the devil.
The only jobs they are wanting to keep are their own cushy seats in Canberra, and in reality couldn't give a toss about anyone. The National Party constituents have even more to lose as Global warming impacts on us, it will dry rivers, dry up aquifers, change weather patterns and make farming and living west of the sandstone divide more unpredictable. The seasonal shifts we know now, will change dramatically, and become increasingly unpredictable, this will in turn affect the production of food and potentially lower crop yields and possibly (more than likely) increased crop failure. Water will become scarce and we will see complete shifts of where crops are grown, as the rock we all live on tries its hardest to adapt to the swift changes.
Yet Turnbull and his merry men and women, carry on as though nothing is happening and its all someone else fault.
I thought the dill who is leader was smart, but it turns out he is just as big a jackass as his counterpart in the USA.
Like I said previously, I will am prepared to accept the nomination for Imperial Emperor of the World. It doesn't need a crown, as I think think that won't go with the current hair do! but I will request that the roads be paved with stupid politicians and their acolytes who continue to deny climate change, and fail to act on it.
Seriously this bunch of morons have given the go ahead for the worlds largest Coal Mine, at a time when even those nations who have coal fire power stations are looking around for something better. The Federal Govt even kicked in $1 Billion to help fund it, meanwhile our education system falls over as they continue to undermine the Gonski reforms, our health system is teetering on edge of collapse and our national transport infrastructure is being torn apart.
We elect people to parliament to act on our behalf and using the best information, most accurate science to assist in making those sound judgements. We don't elect them so that they only answer to Multinational corporations or big business. We already know that big business doesn't actually help, fcuk they can't even contribute through taxes, finding as many loop holes as possible to avoid contributing to the daily cost of operating a nation, no that cost is left to those of us who don't have the resources to minimise our tax, or have tax havens in Bermuda. Policitions are there to do the right job, in spite of unpopular decisions.
Anyway the madness that infects the UK, the USA, Italy, Germany, and other nations has spread here as well, and we will all suffer because of it.
Read more about the backflip on Carbon Trading here
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