
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Can I suggest the Evonne Goolagong-Cawley Arena

I understand that Margaret Court is entitled to her opinion, however her stance against same sex partners being entitled to be married under the Marriage Act, continues to be at odds with the majority of Australians and continues to cause pain. 
Her recent statement about not wanting to fly on Qantas because of its support of Marriage Equality, is alarming when you see the statement she made in yesterday's West Australian and then in context with a statement she made in 2012, to the New York Times.
"When asked a question on same-sex marriage, Court compared homosexual rights activists to Hitler and said children who identified as transgender were being influenced by the devil.

“That’s all the devil . . . but that’s what Hitler did and that’s what communism did - got the mind of the children. And there’s a whole plot in our nation, and in the nations of the world to get the minds of the children." The West Australian, Ben Anderson Wednesday, 31 May 2017
“To dismantle this sole definition of marriage and try to legitimize what God calls abominable sexual practices that include sodomy, reveals our ignorance as to the ills that come when society is forced to accept law that violates their very own God-given nature of what is right and what is wrong.”(By BEN ROTHENBERG JANUARY 4, 2012, New York Times)

Margaret Court, in her day was a remarkable tennis player, and as Billie Jean King points out "She won more majors than any other woman or man, and she won the grand slam", however that does not give her the right to use her fame to promote homophobic attitudes. Her belief she says comes from the Bible and is written in the Scriptures, well I think anyone who relies on Leviticus and the Old Testament, rather than focus on what the new testament and the teachings of Jesus Christ have to say, is out of step as a Christian, and is certainly teaching a non Christian attitude.

Peter FitzSimons sums it up "Her comments that she refuses to fly Qantas anymore in protest at Qantas CEO's advocacy of same-sex marriage? Simply sad. She embarrasses herself." Actually I would like to see how she will she be able to get out of Perth because all the major Airlines, Shipping companies and even Rail Transport support marriage equality. I also checked Greyhound Buses and they tweeted their support on Monday for Marriage Equality . 

The majority of Australians support inclusion of same sex couples under the Marriage Act, however the Australian Parliament and their failure to act on behalf of the Australian people, shows that their lack of guts when standing up to the bullies of the Australian Christian Lobby and their narrow and out of date view. This lack of intestinal fortitude allows the  debate we have now over with Ms Court and her veiwpoint is damaging and divisive, it hurts those in same sex relationships and their families, it impacts on those who are coming to terms with their own sexuality and also their families. Imagine what a sort of harmful invective she and her ilk would add to the debate if a plebiscite were called. 

Until every Australian has the right to be included then we are unequal and considered less than. 
 Evonne Goolagong - Cawley 

It is remarkable in a week when we celebrate a referendum held in 1967 that enabled the inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to be included in the Census as people of this land and also gave rights to the Australian Govt to develop policies and programs to support and enhance their lives, that we still have Australians (including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) who are excluded from full participation in Australian society.

As I said, I don't deny Pastor Court, her right to speak, but I reject her right to use her position and celebrity within Tennis Australia to promote intolerance and homophobic attitudes which are at odds with how most Australians think.

Both Tennis Australia and the Olympic Parks management, who manage the Melbourne Tennis Complex have suggested that  “If Margaret Court is serious about boycotting businesses that support equality she has a decision to make about whether she wants her name to remain on a building that stands for equality, diversity and inclusion. The ball is in her court.”

I also follow the suggestion by Peter FitzSimon's for the Margaret Court Arena be renamed after a more generous and inclusive tennis great Evonne Goolagong-Cawley, who does more than most to help and support others. Through her Evonne Goolagong Foundation she tennis as a vehicle to attract Indigenous girls and boys in order to promote and help provide quality education and better health through diet and exercise. A far better aim for Australians than that of Ms Court.

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